Monday, December 20, 2004

World Events And The UN

It has been awhile. I guess that you could say that I am a recreational blogger. World events should remain an important focus of any US administration. Nothing seems more timely than the results of the independent commission formed by Kofi Annan to address changes to the structure of the United Nations. While I have not read the report yet, it is an extremely important document. I believe that a truly strong and effective UN would act as a gatekeeper to a globally based set of foreign policy initiatives. Let's hope that their recommendations are taken seriously.
Ukraine - This is just such an unbelievable story! Who would have thought that there would be a return to 19th century intrigue with the poisoning of Yuschenko prior to the runoff election. Despite this attempt to emasculate him, he will win the election on the 26th.
Africa - Let's hope that the movie Hotel Rwanda will focus some attention on the atrocities that are occurring daily in Darfur and the Congo.
EU - Congratulations to the European Union for approving Turkey's application for membership despite widespread negative feelings by many of the Union's constituents. Only good can come from their full membership.
Middle East - I am almost afraid to say it, but there appears to be the possibility of fruitful negotiations occurring between Israel and Palestine. One can only hope for peaceful coexistence between these two peoples.
Chile - The supreme court of Chile has taken the extremely important step of holding Pinochet accountable for what has been termed state sponsored torture. The families of the victims during his time in power will be thankful for any justice they can receive.
Iran - The disturbing events in Iran relating to the production of fissile material needs the strongest possible diplomatic response not only form the United States but from the EU and Middle Eastern governments as well.
N. Korea - Let's hope that the stalled six party talks will resume soon so that this serious regional and potentially international threat can be addressed.
Well, that's all for now. There is so much more to mention, but it will have to wait for future postings. Enjoy the holidays, and don't forget to make a contribution to your favorite charity.